Vanderburgh House Review Fresh Seafood Restaurant in Milwaukee, WI

Our stellar location—just steps from the Strand Historic District—makes it easy to explore countless shops, seafood restaurants, and popular attractions around the only hotel located on a working harbor. Vanderburgh House Review Hotel and Marina is located just steps away from the cruise terminal at Pier 21. Our waterfront hotel offers you the ideal Galveston… Continue reading Vanderburgh House Review Fresh Seafood Restaurant in Milwaukee, WI

What to Know at the Beginning of Recovery From a Mental Illness

The complexity of both endings and beginnings in your life can also exist in your heart. Feeling a balance and inviting the pain alongside the excitement is not a failure or a step back. Meditation or other practices to spend time with acceptance and observation may help you move through the duality of new beginnings.… Continue reading What to Know at the Beginning of Recovery From a Mental Illness

Benadryl and alcohol: 10 dangers of mixing

To learn more about this interaction, see the “Drug interactions explained” section above. And several medications may be needed to manage all of the different symptoms allergies may cause. It’s not known whether Concerta is safe to take while pregnant. If you’re pregnant or planning to become alcohol and pills pregnant, talk with your doctor.… Continue reading Benadryl and alcohol: 10 dangers of mixing

Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy: Pathophysiologic Insights Cardiovascular Toxicology

Electron microscopic studies (7,8) of biopsies from patients with alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy have shown evidence of damage to the myofibres, including separation of filaments and loss of striation. In animal studies, loss of contractile proteins and defects in myocardial protein synthesis may partly explain the altered contractility. These studies have demonstrated that acute alcohol ingestion directly… Continue reading Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy: Pathophysiologic Insights Cardiovascular Toxicology

How I Secretly Quit My Secret Habit of Secretly Drinking

From get­ting togeth­er with friends or attend­ing a work-relat­ed event, there is often a social com­po­nent asso­ci­at­ed with drink­ing alco­hol. To help sup­port the grow­ing, sober-curi­ous lifestyle, many busi­ness­es are work­ing to cre­ate an envi­ron­ment that is wel­com­ing to both drinkers and non-drinkers. Sev­er­al food and drink retail­ers have expand­ed their selec­tion of non-alco­holic bev­er­ages, includ­ing craft… Continue reading How I Secretly Quit My Secret Habit of Secretly Drinking

Common myths about addiction

The exact thing you feel varies based on what substance you took, how much of the substance is in your body and if the substance is interacting with any other drugs or substances at the same time. There are a few different medications out there that can be used to help lessen feelings of withdrawal… Continue reading Common myths about addiction